A warm summer breeze played through my thoughts during the creation of this small-format flower still life (27 x 27 cm) entitled 'Yellow Yellow'. Slight impressionistic influences are reflected in this work: in terms of asymmetrical composition, inspired by a still life by Floris Verster, and in atmosphere, with warm, bright tones that refer to Paul Gauguin.
'Yellow Yellow' can be seen and purchased this summer at Pulchri Studio in the Small Format exhibition. All works in this exhibition are small in size, have reasonable prices and can be taken with you immediately! My work is also for sale in the
webshop van Pulchri Studio.
The flower still life is part of my Project Preserved, consisting of recreations of flower still lifes from different style periods in art. Flowers, vases and props in these works come from the thrift store.
Period: May 28 - August 18 2024
Address: Lange Voorhout 15, 2514 EA Den Haag
Information: pulchri.nl
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