Pulchri Studio 'Small Format' Spring 2025

Bonbonnière Botero

Inspiration for a new flower still life titled Bonbonnière Botero came from the work of Colombian artist Fernando Botero. His style, known as 'Boterismo', is characterized by the exaggeration of shapes, often depicted in round contours. The objects in Botero's work have a playful, almost cartoonish touch. This style can also be found in his flower still lifes, which are characterized by eye-catching convex shapes that are placed on top of each other.

'Bonbonnière Botero' can be seen and purchased this winter at Pulchri Studio in the exhibition Klein Formaat. All works in this exhibition are small in size and can be taken home immediately after purchase! My work is also for sale in the Pulchri Studio webshop.

The flower still life is part of my Project Preserved, consisting of recreations of flower still lifes from different style periods in art. Flowers, vases and props in these works come from the thrift store.

Period: February 18 to May 18, 2025

Address: Lange Voorhout 15, 2514 EA The Hague

Information: pulchri.nl

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