work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
In the Display Cabinet
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
New Work
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
Open Studio Delft Studio Route 2024
work from project Preserved in my studio in Bacinol Building Delft
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Kadmium Delft
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work 'Rêve Vert' in exhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht in the Garden Gallery of Pulchri Studio
work 'In the wings' in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
work from project Preserved in group exhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht at 'De Overkant'
New Work
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
The Hidden Source - Haagse Kunstkring - Nomads of Sehnsucht
work 'Rêve Blue' in exhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht & poets of the Literature Department of Haagse Kunstkring
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring in The Hague
New Members Exhibition Pulchri Studio
work from project Preserved in group exhibition in Pulchri Studio The Hague
work from project Preserved in group exhibition in Pulchri Studio The Hague
solo-exhibition in 10ft container, work 'Triptych'
Anniversary exhibition 'Selfies'
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Pulchri Studio The Hague
Gift, a 3D werk, especially made fot this exhibition, Sieboldhuis Leiden
Spinoza and the art of happiness
3D work 'Shrine', especially made for this exhibition
solo presentation from project Preserved on location Onder de Zeven Linden in Delfgauw
work from project Preserved in group exhibition in Pulchri Studio The Hague
Photography: from polaroid to panorama
work from project Preserved in group exhibition in Pulchri Studio The Hague
New Work
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
At Home
work from project Preserved in group exhibition at KunstWerkt Schiedam
solo-exhibition in 20ft container, Kop van Zuid Rotterdam
work 'Renaissance' at groupexpo Kadmium Delft
groupexhibition at Haagse Kunstkring
two works '' en 'Impressionnisme' in group exhibition
groupexhibition at Galerie Arti-Shock in Rijswijk
groupexhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht & Literature Department of Haagse Kunstkring
solo exhibition in the display window of Haagse Kunstkring
groupexhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht at Rhoon Castle
work 'Art Deco' in group exhibition
work 'Louis Quinze' in outdoor exhibition Rotterdam
Sehnsucht at Gallery RAR Regio Art Rijnmond
photographers collective Nomads of Sehnsucht at gallery RAR in Spijkenisse
work 'Seventies' in group exhibition
Arti-Shock Gallery
2 works in virtual group exhibition members Ateliers Bacinol Delft
Rotterdam Photo
5 works from project Preserved in exhibition Nomads of Sehnsucht photographers
White Work | Haagse Kunstkring
work 'Delft White' in group exhibition
Delft Studio Route 2019
3 works from project Preserved in solo presentation
Bacinol art exhibition | Library Rijswijk
2 works from project Preserved in group exhibition
Autumn exhibition | Kadmium Delft
work 'Expressionismus' in group exhibition
Gallery Crawl Rotterdam | Nomads of Sehnsucht
work 'Back to the future' in group presentation
De Kunstmuur Salon Huszár Delft
17 works from the Preserved project in solo exhibition
From Brueghel to Bommel | Haagse Kunstkring
work "Delft Blue" in group exhibition
Art market | Botanical Garden TU Delft
Presentation 5 works of project Preserved on art market
Flora Delfensis | The Tulpenwinkel
2 works from the Preserved project at De Tulpenwinkel
Lentesalon | Kadmium Delft
work 'Delft White' in group exhibition
Art behind the window | Rijswijkse Schouwburg
2 works from the Preserved project at De Blomster Bloembinders
Winter trip | Gallery Sehnsucht
work 'Delft White' in group exhibition
Autumn exhibition | Kadmium Delft
2 works from project Preserved in group exhibition
Delfse Atelierroute 2018
exhibition of own work, digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Wonderful June | Gallery Sehnsucht Rotterdam
10 works from the Preserved project in solo exhibition
FLOWER Kunsthuis 18
2 works from project Preserved in group exhibition
No Title | Haagse Kunstkring
work 'Baroque' in group exhibition
Freedom Happiness | Kadmium Delft
work 'Louis XIV' in group exhibition
Time Machine | Gallery Sehnsucht Rotterdam
work 'rococo' in group exhibition, guest curator Jeroen de Wijs
Sehnsucht | Gallery Sehnsucht Rotterdam
work 'construction' in group exhibition at photo gallery Sehnsucht, guest curator Philippe Moroux
Art route | The imagination
site specific work 'ode' in garden Boerderij onder de Zeven Linden in Delfgauw, Pijnacker
Autumn exhibition | Kadmium Delft
work 'Romeo & Juliet' in group exhibition
Open Monuments Days Delft 2017
exhibition of own work, digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Art route | Denneweg The Hague
site specific work 'trompe l'oeil' for Donna's Kitchen
The Style | Haagse Kunstkring
work 'The Source' in group exhibition
Spring exhibition | Kadmium Delft
work 'sublime' in group exhibition
Op Drift | Haagse Kunstkring
joint installation with poet Hans French and visual artist Inez Ligtenberg
Delft Studio Route 2016
exhibition of own work, digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Art in the business | art route
exhibition at ML Collections, Denneweg, The Hague via Haagse Kunstkring
Mary, Star of the Sea | the Hague
1 work 'safe' in group exhibition
In my street | Prinsenkwartier Delft
installation 'De Steen van Vermeer
Coexistence & In-transit | Kadmium Delft
1 work 'System I, II' in group exhibition
Closer to art | Rietveldtheater Delft
for the work 'Safe' is a poem written by Pom Wolff, work and poem presented together in an exhibition organized by 'Verzet de Zinnen'
Delft Studio Route 2015
exhibition own work and digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Autumn salon | Kadmium Delft
1 work in group exhibition
Summer guests | Haagse Kunstkring
duo exhibition with Brigitte Louter 1 work 'Ekzotisch'
Freedom & Liberation | Haagse Kunstkring
1 work 'I remember a bird' in group exhibition
Tableau 2015 | Haagse Kunstkring
3d werk 'shrine'
All things considered | Kadmium Delft
four-panel 'all in all' in group exhibition
Fresh Blood | Haagse Kunstkring
3 work at group exhibition of new working members of the Haagse Kunstkring
Color | Haagse Kunstkring
work 'all in all' in group exhibition
Delft Studio Route 2014
exhibition own work and digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Word and image | Kadmium Delft
1 work with text in group exhibition
Delft Studio Route 2013
exhibition own work and digital presentation portfolio / open studio
Autumn salon | Kadmium Delft
work in group exhibition
Paerlen van de Swijnen De Fruitvis Rotterdam
self-organized group exhibition and photo project Knorfoto
Upstream | Photo gallery Rotterdam
work "lifeline - lifeline" in group exhibition
Alumni exhibition | Photo gallery Rotterdam
work "ten bulls" in group exhibition
Media wall | Rotterdamse Schouwburg
selection of 4 works in a group exhibition
Moving moments | Walls Gallery Amsterdam
work in group exhibition
Unfold | Warehouse 33 Westelijk Handelsterrein Rotterdam
exposition graduation work "In search of the ox" Fotoacademie Rotterdam
Fantastic photography | Photo gallery Rotterdam
1 series "YIN" in group exhibition
Split Lite at IGLUU The Hague
permanent exhibition of 4 sculptures on view in the Igluu location in The Hague on panels of approximately 5.5 x 2.5 meters
Between the Spokes | Gallery TOP Delft
solo exhibition portraits made during studio route of more than 100 visitors photographed in a work of art by Thijs Rietveld
All rights reserved jaxpix | Jacqueline Louter