A first! I am going to exhibit for the first time at KunstWerkt in Schiedam. I'm participating in an exhibition titled 'At Home'. Appropriate title in two respects. As a brand new artist member, I would like to feel at home at KunstWerkt and Kunstwerk moved in June of this year to a beautiful new home on the Lange Nieuwstraat, located on De Plantage, the oldest city park in the Netherlands. Also for members of Kunstwerkt who have been members for some time, it takes some time to get used to their new home.
'Home' is set up around a feeling rather than a theme or subject. The feeling of being at home can be in anything. My work for the exhibition is 'Delft Blue'. A flower still life from my project Preserved. With my studio/atelier in the heart of Delft, I thought it appropriate to show this work during 'At Home'. In addition, 'Delft Blue' was my mother's favorite. A beautiful tribute to her.
Period: 7 to 28 August 2022
Address: Lange Nieuwstraat 191, 3111 AJ Schiedam
Information: stichtingkunstwerkt.nl/exposities
All rights reserved jaxpix | Jacqueline Louter